Shop the collection (coming)
“Think of the fierce energy concentrated in an acorn. You bury it in the ground, and it explodes into an oak ”
Ruup & Form is delighted to present Fierce Energy during London Design Festival 2023. Culminating from thoughts on germination, growth and birth Fierce Energy, showcases works by Naomi Mcintosh and Rachna Garodia
Address — 7 Tilney Court, London, EC1V 9BQ
This exhibition is open to the public between 18 September– 25 October 2023
During London Design Festival – 18th Sep- 23rd Sep
Monday-Saturday 11:00-18:00
Private View 19th Sep 18:30- 21:00, RSVP essential
Meet the Artist 21st Sep 18:00- 20:00,RSVP essential
Gallery timings
Tuesday – Thursday: 11:30 – 17:00
Friday : 11:30-16:00
Monday and Saturday, Visit by appointment. email to arrange for an appointment.
Sunday : Closed.